


Imagine a world in which you enter a coffee shop to talk realpolitik with great minds and the common man, common woman, and others across the globe to explore novel social and economic experiments.
Above all imagine you have the ability to mobilize your fellow citizenry to create and enact legislation rather than screaming at the television, ranting on twitter, or Monday morning, armchair political quarterbacking with hapless political shock jocks.

Imagine an opportunity to turn the unthinkable, the unimaginable, the impossible, and the ideologically impracticable and quixotic into a practical political agenda.

Laboratory of Democracy in the METAVERSE

  • Socivisus-META is a social media space where We the People can form more perfect sociopolitical communities that we empower.
  • Socivisus-META instantiates a Laboratory of Democracy in the metaverse for the undaunted and proactive to assemble in meta-coffee shops to dare to imagine, to dare to explore, and to dare to create fresh, new political ideologies that will shape the future.
  • In the Laboratory of Democracy in the metaverse, We the People, not politicians, black money, or SuperPACs, draft and enact legislation in the real world as to us shall seem most likely to effect our Safety and Happiness.

Not Just Talk

  • Socivisus-META is not a social media platform designed for talk, but a sociopolitical-socioeconomic meta-space that empowers citizens to effectuate legislative solutions in the real world.
  • AI/ML enabled social media links discussion threads by topic-solution matches, identifies solutions that enjoy broad support, and generates draft legislation.
  • Socivisus-META offers an opportunity for We the People to institute new Government organized in such form unfathomable to Publius.
  • Sociopolitical-socioeconomic communities in the metaverse are not defined by or confined to geographic boundaries.  Citizens in the sociopolitical metaverse can form meta-districts to elect representatives that assemble in a METAssembly to draft and pass legislation that citizens can enact in the real world.

Join the Discussion

Democracy is not static, but a living, evolving creature.  Hence, those institutions that define and purvey Democracy and that facilitate the evolution of Democracy must evolve along with it.

We need an intrepid, proactive, constructive and courageous Populace to unleash the potential the metaverse offers to evolve fresh models of Democracy and new morphologies of Government.
The socio-geopolitical economy of the metaverse will have a landscape like nothing we have known.
Socivisus-META is an ongoing conversation to effect that.  Join us.

Join the Discussion

Democracy is not static, but a living, evolving creature. Hence, those institutions that define and purvey Democracy and that facilitate the evolution of Democracy must evolve along with it.

The socio-geopolitical economy of the metaverse will have a completely different landscape than anything we have known before.

We need an intrepid, proactive, and constructive Populace to unleash the potential the metaverse offers to evolve fresh models of Democracy and new morphologies of Government.

Socivisus-META is an ongoing conversation to effect that.

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