More Than a Name

The name Socivisus (pronounced So-KEE-Wee-soos) is a Latin portmanteau of Socios – Civis – Visus referring to Society – Citizens – Vision, a Citizens’ Vision of a more empowered Society, a vision of the world that includes everyone.

Socivisus, a nonprofit operating under section 501(c)4 of the IRC, works toward using the legislative process, not as a divisive mechanism, but as an instrument to effectuate solutions based on scientific theory, empirical evidence, and technological capability for the Oneness of Society, for the Oneness of Humanity.

A Laboratory of Democracy

  • Democracy is not static, but a living, evolving creature.  Hence, its institutions, those institutions that facilitate the Evolution of Democracy, must evolve along with it.
  • The Evolution of Democracy requires fresh, new ideas, hybrid ideologies, and solution-based approaches.
  • Socivisus offers a space for a Single Courageous Populace of intrepid, proactive, constructive and creative individuals to engage, exchange ideas, and unleash the potential of unexplored models of Democracy and new morphologies of Government through an ongoing conversation.


Hybrid Approaches to Societal Concerns

A solution-based approach to government, free from ideological constraints, opens the possibility for exploring fresh new ideas and hybrid spaces.

Collective Capitalism

Collective Capitalism offers the possibility that the underprivileged can collectively harness their resources to exploit business and market-based mechanisms rather than social assistance to pull themselves out of poverty.

The Progressive Conservative

Progressive Conservatism addresses the need to resolve Societal concerns through market-based, private sector, and public-private solutions that ease the tax burden.

Second Amendment Confluence

The Project KABAR (to Keep and Bear Arms Responsibly) encourages collaborative efforts between both gun owners and gun control advocates to support the development of technology that will reduce the frequency of school shootings while obstructing the flow of stolen firearms into the black market.



Socivisus i-Pool

Socivisus i-Pool

The Detroit i-Pool is a proposal to establish a $500 million dollar investment fund, 100% owned and controlled collectively by all Detroit residents, that will transform Detroit’s undervalued real estate into profitable properties financed through a banking and financial services sector that the i-Pool owns.  Profits will be shared by Detroit residents.



Socivisus-META instantiates a Laboratory of Democracy in the metaverse for the undaunted and proactive to assemble in meta-coffee shops to dare to imagine, to dare to explore, and to dare to create fresh, new political ideologies that will enact real legislation and shape the future.

Smart Government

Smart Government

Socivisus explores the possibility of a Smart Government premised on assembling the most capable individuals to explore, design, and implement optimal solutions and to respond to eventualities in real time, fostering innovative ideas, not ideologies.

A New Education Policy

A New Education Policy

Socivisus rethinks the inefficiencies in the education sector with $1.5 trillion debt, 25 million unemployed or low-wage Americans and a vacancy of 1 million high paying jobs that are filled by foreign workers educated at a cost of 10% of American students.

The Project KABAR

The Project KABAR

A partnership between Socivisus and Laescient, the Project KABAR (to Keep and Bear Arms Responsibly) is developing bluetooth technology that will enable civilian firearm owners to track their firearm assets in real-time the way military and law enforcement agencies track their weapons using RFID, RTLS, and GPS technology.  KABAR offers an avenue through which gun owners and gun control advocates can work together.


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